Dr. Sherrie Papa Dr. Sherrie Papa

Breathe Easy – How Breath can impact your health

Discover how proper breathing techniques can significantly enhance your health and well-being. In this insightful blog post, Dr. Sherrie Papa of Radiant Wellness Chiropractic explains the connection between breath and nervous system health, and shares practical breathing exercises like Diaphragmatic Breathing, 4-7-8 Breathing, and Alternate Nostril Breathing. Learn how combining these techniques with chiropractic care can lead to improved respiratory function, reduced stress, and better overall vitality. Read more to unlock the benefits of mindful breathing and holistic health practices.

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Dr. Sherrie Papa Dr. Sherrie Papa

Sensory Overload and Chiropractic Care: Understanding Symptoms and Solutions

Discover how sensory overload affects your well-being and learn about symptoms like anxiety, irritability, and insomnia. Dr. Sherrie Papa explains the role of the cerebellum in processing sensory information and how chiropractic care can help restore balance to your nervous system. Explore the transformative effects of chiropractic adjustments on emotional regulation and overall health.

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Dr. Sherrie Papa Dr. Sherrie Papa

How Emotions Impact Health: The Power of Gratitude and Positive Thinking

Most everyone can agree on some level that what you think becomes reality. What you think and how you feel influence your life and the world around you. We all know that one person you know that no matter what may be going on they seem to always be so happy. Is happiness and satisfaction just for the lucky few, or is there actual weight behind our thoughts and feelings?

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Dr. Sherrie Papa Dr. Sherrie Papa

Can You Give My Kiddo an Attitude Adjustment?

I may have been asked this once or twice at my office here in Franklin! And though I joke that I’ll do the best I can, there is support that chiropractic adjustments could be doing something close!

Let me explain a little deeper.

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Dr. Sherrie Papa Dr. Sherrie Papa

What Makes Radiant Wellness Different? 

What makes Radiant Wellness different? New patients in our office commonly mention that they were referred to us because they were told we are different from other chiropractors.

And you know what? They aren’t wrong. We aren’t your traditional chiropractor, and we take pride in that difference.

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