What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a health science focused on correcting imbalances in the nervous system. This interference is caused by physical, chemical, and emotional stressors. Specific, gentle chiropractic adjustments remove that interference so your body will function at its optimum potential. (That means you will be the best you ever.)

What is an adjustment?

An adjustment is a specific, non-invasive "thrust" delivered by hand. It's fast and non-painful. The purpose of the adjustment is to remove nerve interference from your body.

Will my adjustment hurt?

No, most people say they feel amazing! We have safely adjusted tiny children a few hours old right up to practice members ninety-five years old or order.

Can you help my child?

I help lots of children, which makes their parents rave about their healthy child. Children respond incredibly well to chiropractic care! Schedule an appointment to have your child checked to see if I can help them.